The general membership meetings were held monthly May through October and are open to the public. After a brief business meeting, a program of local interest was presented followed by complimentary refreshments. Schedules of upcoming programs can be found on our website noted below and in the Town Newsletter.

Next meeting is Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. at Town Hall.

Please join us 1 p.m.Wednesday November 13 at our museum located on 75 School Street. We will be having a talk about the history of the telephone company in Wallingford. Our guest speakers will be Rita Brooks and Dick Kendall. They both started working for the phone company at an early age. Rita was only 13! Come share your stories of the 4-party lines in town and your experiences related to them. This talk will be videoed by peg-tv for those of you unable to attend.



Wallingford Historical Society collections are located on the second floor of Town Hall

For more information on upcoming programs, membership opportunities, publications and photo galleries, visit our website at:  

Officers IMG_2831 Joyce Barbieri, President; Elaine Warzocha, Secretary; Frances McNulty, Treasurer

Board of Directors Joyce Bailey, Tammy Heffernan, Lowell Klock, Ann Pace, and Marc Pramuk

Wallingford Perspectives – Published quarterly by the Wallingford Historical Society, Inc. in the past

Featured articles:

Autumn 2017 Newsletter Click Here to Read

Winter 2016 Newsletter Click Here to Read

South Wallingford Industry and Economy During the 1800s Click Here to Read

History of Wallingford, VT chapter on Wallingford Schools Click Here to Read

Tragic Deaths on the Gulf Road” by John Rumbold Click Here to Read

Wallingford Historic District Walking Tour

Folks interested in taking a walking tour of the village Historic District should click here.

Historic Architecture of Wallingford

The Historic Architecture of Rutland County is part of the effort by the Division for Historic Preservation to encourage and enhance appreciation of historic resources. To read click here.

Boy And the Boot

The Boy and the Boot fountain located at the juncture of Route 7 and 140 and is one of a handful of similar Boy and the Boot statues around the U.S. and elsewhere.

According to a relative, this particular Boy was sculpted by Warren Dunning Haggerty, a Wallingford resident. The Boy is colorfully painted, with his eyes closed as if eternally sleepwalking through town. His right boot, held aloft, dribbles a stream of water into a circular pool.

A plaque on the pool, which sits on the front lawn of the Wallingford Inn, reads: “Erected to the memory of Arnold Young by his children, April 3, 1898.” Mr. Young owned the Wallingford Inn until 1870.

Around 1910 the Boy disappeared from his original spot on the streets of Wallingford. (His pool had been used as a trough for thirsty horses.) The Boy turned up ten years later in the Wallingford Inn’s attic, and in 1927 he was installed on the Inn’s lawn. Despite this narrower focus, the Boy remains the civic symbol of the entire town.

East Wallingford Railroad Section Museum 

Section houses were built to provide shelter, storage and offices for railroad maintenance workers. Although its age is not certain, Section House #14 dates from the late 1800’s/turn of the century. The East Wallingford Railroad building holds a special attraction – “Fairmont Motor Car Number 118” – rail maintenance vehicle known as a “speeder car.”  This gasoline powered vehicle replaced the original hand-pump car railroad workers used to travel along and maintain Section 14 of the rail line. The Section House is located at the bottom of Sugar Hill Rd, just around the corner and visible from the train crossing on Rt 140 in East Wallingford Village.

Section House 1

Gift Idea

Looking for a unique gift? How about a copy of “The History of Wallingford” by Thorpe for only $25 or “The People of Wallingford” by Batcheller for $25 or “The History of Sugar Hill” by Gary Wade for $10? Copies can be picked up at Town Hall or send a check with the appropriate amount plus $5 for shipping, and we will mail it to you. Checks should be made out to Wallingford Historical Society and sent to Joyce Barbieri, 662 Creek Road, Wallingford, VT 05773.

Murder on Sugar Hill–Click on picture below to read article

Historical Society Photo