Hours:Transfer_Station_4 Monday: Noon – 5:00 PM Wednesday: Noon – 5:00 PM Saturday:  8:00 AM – Noon          

Attendants: Art Nemeth and Jerry Reynolds

Wallingford Transfer Station 90 Waldo Lane Wallingford, VT 05773 (802) 446-2524


Textile Collection! A clothing bin has been installed at the transfer station for the collection of clean textiles. What is accepted: Men’s, women’s and children’s clothing; coats and jackets; winter gear; purses, ties, scarfs and hats; sneakers, dress shoes, shoes, boots, sandals and flip flops; linens such as sheets, towels, small throw pillows and blankets. All items must be dry and contain NO odor or mold.

Books.  Bay State Books installed a book bin at the Wallingford Transfer Station for the collection of clean, good conditioned hard and soft covered books, CDs, DVDs and audiobooks (no garbage or other recyclables should go in the book bin). Bay State Books will sort thru these items for distribution to others AND it keeps them out of the solid waste stream. Transfer station employees ask that you make sure items are clean and in good condition and separated from Zero Sort recyclables before you arrive at the facility so the drop off is quick. Please, NO Magazines. Thank you.

Plastics. The transfer station has partnered with the Trex Plastic Film Recycling Program to provide special bins to accept:  grocery bags, bread bags, bubble wrap, dry cleaning bags, newspaper sleeves, ice bags, plastic shipping envelopes, zip-lock and other re-closable food storage bags, cereal bags, case overwrap, salt bags, pallet wrap and stretch film, wood pellet bags (flattened and stacked), produce bags.  As with all recycling, the materials should be relatively CLEAN. These items must go in the specially marked bins and NOT mixed with Zero Sort. Trex does NOT accept pet food bags, mesh/net produce bags, pool covers, frozen food bags, candy bar wrappers, chip bags, six pack rings, vinyl shower curtains (see transfer station employees if you have questions).

Used Oil no longer accepted at transfer station.

Transfer Station fees 2024

Summary of transfer station fees; 30-gallon bag will be 4 punches, smaller bags will be 2 punches; pickup truck 4-foot box $25; 6-foot box $40; 8-foot box $50; dump truck $90. Tire fees include $5 for passenger; $7 for truck no rim; $19 for oversized; and $47 for tractor. Used oil is no longer accepted. Only 1 lb. propane tanks will be accepted at $2 each.

Wallingford is a member of the Rutland County Solid Waste District. Residents may use the Gleason Road facility with a $15 per calendar year permit available through RCSWD.

Stickers for Vehicles

Vehicles entering the Transfer Station must display municipal stickers. Stickers may be purchased at Town Hall or the Transfer Station at a cost of $3 each. Must provide proof of residency.

Punch Cards

Property owners will receive a 50- and a 20-hole punch card with their property tax bills. Additional cards may be purchased at the Transfer Station or Town Hall at a cost of $20 and $50 each. Per orders of the Selectboard, starting February 1, 2020, punch cards may only be used for bags of garbage. Residents will be assessed fees to dispose of furniture, appliances and other items.

Food Scraps

As of July 1, 2020, state regulations banned food scraps from the solid waste stream. Food scraps cannot be thrown away with garbage. You may either compost or put food scraps in the designated bin at the transfer station.  Rutland County Solid Waste District sells residential compost bins. For more information, visit http://www.rcswd.com/, or call (802) 775-7209.

The Wallingford Transfer Station accepts residential food scraps. Items allowed in the food scrap bin: vegetables and fruit peels, dairy products, meat, fish, bread, rice, pasta, tea bags, grounds, filters, cooking oil, and eggshells. Also allowed in the food scrap bin: bones, compostable bags, liners, compostable utensils.

Not allowed in the compost bins are cans, bottles, glass, paper products, cardboard, plastic bags, Styrofoam, disposable cups or cutlery, shrink wrap, motor oil and grease, pet or human waste, hazardous materials.

Hazardous Household Waste

Rutland County Solid Waste District will sponsor free Household Hazardous Waste collection days at the Transfer Station on May 17th, July 19th and September 20th in 2025 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. each day.

In order to use this program, residents must adhere to the following requirements: All participants must remain in vehicle with a mask on until notified. All materials to dispose of must be organized such that it can be placed upon a table in little time. Do not use garbage bags. A staff member will process paperwork to include contact information. Before arriving to drop off, participants must have a completed, materials drop-off list. This materials list should be legible with each material and volume on it. When this is completed, participants will be asked to exit the vehicle and place materials on table, and maintain social distancing.  Excessive materials will not be accepted and will be referred to the Gleason Road facility. Nothing will be returned (gas cans etc.). Please leave your pets at home. RCSWD staff reserve the right to refuse service to anyone that does not follow these requirements.

Zero Sort
The Wallingford Transfer Station has Zero Sort recycling, so you no longer have to sort your recyclables. Just drop all your recyclables into in the Zero Sort bin. Reminder, bring your recyclables in a clear bag or container so employees can ensure garbage is not being mixed with recyclables. Vermonter’s Guide to Recycling 

Residents may bring electronic waste to the Transfer Station and place in the appropriate bins in the shed. For a list of accepted items, click on here.

Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law (Act 148)
The Vermont Legislature unanimously passed the Universal Recycling Law in 2012, which bans disposal of recyclables (metal, glass, plastics #1 and #2, paper and cardboard) by July 1, 2015; leaf and yard debris and clean wood by July 1, 2016; and food scraps by July 1, 2020.

For more information about Act 148, visit the Department of Environmental Conservation’s web site at http://dec.vermont.gov/waste-management/solid/universal-recycling.

Yard Waste

Residents may bring leaves as well as yard waste under 1-inch in diameter to the transfer station on Saturdays. Yard waste fees: $2 per 30-gallon bag, $30 per yard.

Leaves must be in compostable/biodegradable bags. Bags may be purchased at the transfer station ($1 for 2 bags) or at supply stores like Home Depot (remember, bags must be biodegradable/compostable). Brush, limbs and other yard debris must be no larger than 1-inch in diameter. See Transfer Station attendants to pay fees before dropping off yard waste in the designated area.

The Town of Wallingford belongs to the Rutland County Solid Waste District. Therefore, residents may also bring yard waste to the RCSWD Transfer Station on Gleason Road in Rutland. The district accepts leaves and grass, plus brush up to 24 inches in diameter and unlimited length for nominal fees. The leaves and grass clippings are used in a food waste compost program. The brush is chipped and sold to a biomass facility for the generation of electricity. Screened composted materials is available as a ready-for-the-garden finished product at $20 per ton (subject to availability).

RCSWD Transfer Station at Gleason Road.

RCSWD has implemented an on-line process for obtaining permits. Please visit rcswd.com and select “Permits – Purchase Transfer Station Permits Online” at the top of the page to purchase your 2023 Annual Transfer Station Permit. Customers with valid permits receive discounted rates. Permits are $15 each.

For more information on services and offerings, visit Rutland County Solid Waste District:  https://www.rcswd.com/

Trash Burning Trash burning is illegal in Vermont.  The state’s Agency of Natural Resources has a public education effort called “Don’t Burn Vermont” to inform Vermonters about the harmful effects of trash burning, the penalties for violating the law, and low cost and convenient alternatives.  You can find out more by visiting their website at www.dontburnvt.org or calling 802-241-3840.