Road Commissioner: Philip Baker (802) 446-2131

Town Garage Phone Number: (802) 446-2472

Road Crew Members: Road Foreman Steve Lanfear, Charlie Woods and Laurie Phillips

E Wall Street


All Town Highways are maintained by a three-person full-time road crew operating out of the Town Garage. Members of the road crew are hired by and report to the Selectboard. The Selectboard also appoints a Road Commissioner to work with them to make sure that the Town Highways are maintained, and that bridges, culverts, and roads are kept in good and sufficient repair.

Wallingford Road Facts

Class 1 Town Highways: Those town highways which form the extension of a state highway route and which carry a state highway route number.

Class 2 Town Highways: Those town highways selected as the most important highways in each town. They shall be selected with the purposes of securing trunk lines of improved highways from town to town and to places which by their nature have more than normal amount of traffic.

Class 3 Town Highways: All town highways other than class 1 or class 2 highways. They must be negotiable under normal conditions all seasons of the year by a standard manufactured pleasure car.

Mileage Table: 

Class 1 Town Highways: 0.000

Class 2 Town Highways:
Route 140-West: 2.420
Creek Road: 1.470

Class 3 Town Highways: 42.12

State Highways (Routes 7, 7B, 103, 140-East, & 155)16.755

Total Traveled Miles (excluding Class 4 mileage): 62.765

Legal Trails: (Mitchell, Carrara Camp, Olde Pine Lane, Mears Meadow and Kent Farm) 3.61

To report a problem or to ask a question about road maintenance, call the Town Garage at (802) 446-2472.  The Road Commissioner can be reached at (802) 446-2131.

Right-of-Way. Wallingford’s Highway Department personnel reminds property owners Vermont Statute, Title 19, Section 702 defines the highway right-of-way as follows: “the right-of-way for each highway and trail shall be three rods wide unless otherwise properly recorded.”  A rod is a unit of measure equaling 16.5 feet, so the assumed minimum width of the right-of-way is 49.5 feet. This total minimum width extends evenly (24.75 feet) on both sides of the highway centerline. Please bear this in mind before building a fence, rock wall or anything with the right-of-way otherwise you may be asked to move it if it interferes with highway maintenance or projects.

The state’s 10 V.S.A. section 1264(c)(6) requires the Secretary of Transportation to issue Municipal Roads General Permits (MRGP) to towns for the discharge of regulated stormwater from municipal roads. To review the MRGP, click here.

Excess Weight Vehicle Permit Form 2024

Secretary of Transportation Weight Limits Notice, click here.

New England Road Conditions:

Highway Department Reminders:

Winter Parking Ban in effect November 15 through March 31.  No parking allowed on Wallingford roads between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.

It is unlawful to plow snow across a town highway or street in a way that leaves snow in the roadway. Violation of this law may result in a $100.00 fine plus the actual costs of repairing any damage resulting from such obstruction of the highway. (Title 19 V.S.A. 1105)

It is unlawful to cause water or ice to run onto a town highway or street in such a way that it causes damage to the highway or street, obstructs traffic, or creates unsafe conditions. (Title 19 V.S.A. 1111)

The Town of Wallingford is not responsible for vegetation, structures, fences, or mailboxes within town highway rights-of-way damaged during snowplowing. (Title 19 V.S.A. 904, 1111)

State Plow Finder Portal

VTrans has 250 trucks that plow that whole state. To find the plow route and see when the truck will be by your route, click here.

Please report missing town street signs by calling the Town Garage at (802) 446-2472.

The Town of Wallingford is not responsible for the sidewalks or street lights. Questions or concerns should be directed to the Wallingford Fire District #1 Office at (802) 446-2964.

The Highway Department requests that if you see a problem on a town road, i.e. a sink hole, a tree down, etc., please call the Garage at (802) 446-2472.  Don’t assume that someone has already called in to report it.  You can leave a message if no one answers, and you don’t have to leave your name.  It’s not possible for the Highway Department to ride the roads every day to inspect them.  Thank you for your help.

The Town of Wallingford designated the parking lot at the Recreation field on Meadow Street (off Route 140 West) as a “Park-and Ride. Parking at this facility is free.  No overnight parking allowed.

IMG_2789 See Related Links Here:

Regulation of Motor Vehicles

Town Roads and Bridge Standards Adopted July 15, 2019

Wallingford Parking Regulations

Trail Policy

Better Roads Manual Final 2019