Here is the proposed zoning:

Draft Version 29 (February)

For agendas and Minutes, visit the Planning Commission page by clicking on the link below:

Planning Commission – Town of Wallingford, VT | Town of Wallingford, VT – Our Community (

Wallingford Planning Commission Erika Berner (Chair), Jill Burkett, Tony Masuck (Vice Chair), Kevin Mullin. 1 Vacacny. Jeff Biasuzzi, alternate.

Zoning Administrator Erika Berner.

Office hours Mondays from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Call (802) 446-2974 or email  

See Planning and Zoning related links here:

Guide to Zoning Permits

Approved Flood Hazard Area Regulations

Approved Subdivision Zoning Regulations

Approved Town Plan

Planning Commission Minutes

Planning and Zoning Documents

Zoning Fee Schedule Adopted May 4, 2020

Zoning Regulations Adopted 8-17-15

Maps Wallingford Zoning Districts 2015 Zoning Fire District 1 Map 2015 Zoning Fire District 2 Map 2015