American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Committee Members: Robert Allen, Anne Awad (vice chair), Jim Bagnall, Bruce Dobbins, Elicia Pinsonault, Peg Soule (chair) and Grey Wicker.

Mission Statement: Using the U.S. Treasury guidance, the ARPA Committee will conduct a needs assessment that considers priorities of the three communities that make up our Town and develop recommendations to the Select Board for the allocation of the ARPA funds.

As part of the American Rescue Plan, the Town of Wallingford received over $580,000 to be used for the development and administration of programs and projects for the greater good of our community. 

The ARPA Committee has made spending recommendations to the Selectboard. At this point, the work of the committee is complete. The Selectboard thank committee members for their dedication, time and commitment to the mission.

ARPA Final Report

ARPA Committee Minutes

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) is a $1.9 trillion stimulus package signed into law March 11, 2021 that is intended to aid public health and economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. ARPA included $350 billion in emergency funding for eligible state, local, territorial and Tribal governments , known as the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds distributed through the U.S. Department of the Treasury. 

Funds are subject to the requirements specified in the Final Rule adopted by the U.S. Treasury. The Final Rule, an Overview of the Final Rule, and a number of other useful resources can be found here:

The Town of Wallingford received all four payments:

Municipal Payment #1 $102,122.90 and Municipal Payment #2 $102,122.90

County Payment #1 $189,479.45 and County Payment #2 $189,479.44

The Town must obligate the CSFRF dollars by December 31, 2024, and spend by December 31, 2026.