Transfer Station
Food Cupboard
Parents – for your child’s safety, please have them remain in the vehicle at all times. Thank you.
Where can I dump my trash?
You can either arrange for private trash collection from a commercial hauler or bring it to Wallingford’s Transfer Station. The Transfer Station is located on Waldo Lane, just west of the bridge on Route 140W.
What can I take to the Transfer Station?
Recyclables, electronic waste, trash, furniture, metal, motor oil, fluorescent lights, refrigerators, tires, and automobile batteries. We host household hazardous waste days two times a year.
Residents may bring leaves and yard waste under 1-inch in diameter to the transfer station on Saturdays. Leaves must be in compostable/biodegradable bags, which are available for purchase at the transfer station. Brush, limbs and other yard debris must be no larger than 1-inch in diameter. See transfer station attendants to pay fees before dropping off yard waste in the designated area.
The transfer station accepts food scraps. Items allowed in the food scrap bin: vegetables and fruit peels, dairy products, meat, fish, bones, bread, rice, pasta, tea bags, grounds, filters, eggshells and soiled napkins.
NOT allowed in the food scrap bin: cans, bottles, glass, paper products, cardboard, plastic bags, Styrofoam, disposable cups or cutlery, shrink wrap, oil and grease, pet or human waster, hazardous materials.
There is no longer a Planet Aid bin at the transfer station for the collection of textiles.
Who can use the Transfer Station?
The Transfer Station is a service provided only to property owners and renters of Wallingford. Any vehicle entering the facility must display a municipal sticker adhered to the car or truck. Stickers may be purchased at the Transfer Station and Town Hall for $3 each. All garbage brought to the transfer station must be in bags and the transfer station attendant will punch a hole in your punch card for each bag.
When is the Transfer Station open?
Saturdays 8:00 A.M.–Noon and Mondays & Wednesdays Noon –5:00 P.M.
What can I recycle at the Transfer Station?
The transfer station has Zero Sort recycling, so you no longer need to sort your recyclables. Zero Sort accepts magazines, telephone books, newspapers, newspaper inserts, file folders, office paper, mail, junk mail, greeting cards, corrugated cardboard, paperboard boxes, paper cartons (ex.,eggs, milk, juice) plastic containers (#1,#2 and #4 thru #7), rigid plastics (ex., laundry basket, 5-gallon bucket) metal cans, and glass bottles.
What are the fees to use the Transfer Station?
Annually, each Wallingford property owner receives a 50-hole punch card and a 20-hole punch card with their tax bill mailed out in August. Residents may purchase additional punch cards at Town Hall or the Transfer Station. Vehicle stickers may be purchased at the Transfer Station and Town Hall. The 50-hole punch card is $50, the 20-hole punch card is $20, and stickers are $3 each. Varying fees are assessed for heavy metal, furniture, tires, and other materials. Click here to visit the Transfer Station page for prices.
Why are there fees to dump certain materials? Doesn’t the Town make money by having this stuff recycled?
The Transfer Station runs at a deficit. The Town’s fiscal year 2021 budget included $95,000 for Transfer Station expenses (not including wages). The Town runs the Transfer Station as a service to our property owners and renters, not as a way to generate revenue.
Does the town of Wallingford have a food shelf?
A food cupboard is located at Town Hall and open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Monetary donations welcome. Contact the Town Clerk’s office at (802) 446-2336 for an appointment.
If you wish to apply for a permit to burn construction, demolition or commercial waste, please call the Air Quality & Climate Division at (802) 828-1288. You may need to obtain an additional permit from your local fire warden or other local officials. Fire wardens operate under Forest and Parks Rules to prevent wildfires and are not responsible for the enforcement of Environmental Rules. Please check with your local fire warden or other authorities before lighting any fires. Some cities and towns may prohibit open burning altogether. During conditions such as drought, cities and towns may temporarily ban all open burning due to the risk of starting wildfires. For more information, click here.
Wallingford’s Fire Warden is Roger Sheehan, Jr. He can be reached at (802) 548-6298. The Deputy Fire Warden, Marty Rabtoy, can be reached at (802) 345-5550.
Does Wallingford have a leash law?
Wallingford has an ordinance concerning the regulation of animals. It states that a person shall not allow a dog to run at large within the limits of the Town of Wallingford, except upon the property of the owner, or to become a public nuisance. All dogs must be on leashes, on or within a vehicle, on the property of the owner or his agent, clearly under the verbal command of its owner or agent, or hunting with its owner or agent. The Dog Warden has the authority to issue municipal tickets to pet owners who allow their dogs to run at large.
What do I do if I see a stray dog?
Call the Dog Warden at (802) 395-1114 who will only pick-up a dog if the animal is seen off of the property of its owner or keeper. They cannot incarcerate a dog based on hearsay.
What if a dog bites me?
If a domestic pet or wolf-hybrid has bitten a person while the domestic pet or wolf-hybrid is off the premises of the owner or keeper, and the person bitten requires medical attention for the attack, such person may file a written complaint with the hospital and Selectboard. The complaint must contain the time, date, and place where the attack occurred, the name and address of the victim or victims, and any other facts that may assist the Selectboard in conducting an investigation. Within seven days of receiving the complaint, the Selectboard may investigate the charges and hold a hearing on the matter. If the domestic pet or wolf-hybrid is found to have bitten the victim without provocation, the Selectboard shall make such order for the protection of persons as the facts and circumstances of the case may require, including that the domestic pet or wolf-hybrid be disposed of in a humane way, muzzled, chained, or confined.
Does my dog have to be registered?
Yes. Title 20, Section 3581 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated requires that all dogs more than six months old be registered. Before registering your dog, you must present to the Town Clerk a current rabies vaccination certificate. Be sure to register your dog at the Town Clerk’s office by the April 1st deadline or you will have to pay late fees and/or receive a municipal ticket.
Whom do I call when my road needs to be repaired?
The most direct method is to call the Town Garage (802) 446-2472.
Does the Town maintain private roads?
The Town is only responsible for maintaining Town Highways. Private roads are owned by the landowners on that road who are responsible for keeping it maintained.
What’s a right-of-way?
A right-of-way is essentially a portion of private property “taken” for public use and enjoyment. Every town, state, and federal highway lies within a right-of-way. Unless otherwise determined when the road was laid-out, we can assume that the right-of-way for each road is three rods wide (1 rod = 16.5 feet). It is not possible to trespass within a right-of-way, the state and local governments can regulate the use of the right-of-way.
Why does it seem to take so long to plow my road?
There are almost 46 miles of Class 2 and Class 3 town highways in Wallingford, all of which are maintained by a 2-person road crew with part-time help. While they get out as early as possible, the fact remains that not every road can be plowed first. Equipment break-downs can also cause delays. Rest assured that they are working as fast as they can and that they will get to you.
When do I need to obtain a permit?
You need to obtain a permit for most new structures, renovations, additions, septic systems, changes in use (residential and commercial), signs, variances and conditional uses. The past $2,000 cost of construction exemption has been removed. Exemptions for a local permit are listed in Article IV, General Regulations.
How does the zoning process work?
First, you submit the completed permit application form (with necessary drawing), along with the required fee. The Zoning Administrator has 30 days to act on a permit, although it is usually addressed within 1-2 weeks. After the Zoning Administrator approves the permit, it is posted at the Wallingford Post Office and Town Hall for 15 days, during which interested parties may file an appeal. If the permit is not appealed, then construction can begin after the 15-day waiting period. For more details regarding the permit process, click here. Permit applications are available on the Planning and Zoning page of this website.
When does the Development Review Board get involved?
The Development Review Board addresses commercial permits, site plans, appeals, and certain subdivisions. A permit application must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator at least 21 days prior to a Development Review Board meeting in order to be warned in the Rutland Herald and allow time to notify neighbors.
What about variances or conditional uses?
A variance or conditional use request must be warned in the newspaper 15 days prior to a meeting. The meeting day is called by the chair of the Development Review Board after the completed permit has been submitted to the Zoning Administrator. The Development Review Board’s Decision Notice must be posted at the Wallingford Post Office and Town Hall for 30 days to allow for appeals.
How long will the process take?
It depends. Simple permits not requiring variances or conditional uses and those not involving commercial permits and site plans can go through relatively quickly. If the permit has to go to the Development Review Board, the process could take longer.
Do I need to obtain a certificate of occupancy?
No. Wallingford’s zoning by-laws do not require that a certificate of occupancy be issued for any structure.
Driveway Access
The town in 2016 adopted a Driveway Access Policy and then updated it in 2020. For more information, click here.