The Town of Wallingford is fortunate to have a number of commissions and committees that meet regularly at Town Hall. All meetings are open to the public. In keeping with the Vermont Open Meeting Law,  Agendas featuring times and dates of meetings are posted* regularly in these locations:

~Bulletin board at Town Hall (75 School St.)
~Village Post Office
~East Wallingford Post Office
~Municipal website on individual Committee/Commission pages.

To Review Agendas and Minutes, visit:

ARPA Committee

Board of Abatement

Board of Civil Authority

Building CommitteeIMG_2801

Conservation Commission 

Development Review Board

Energy Committee

Fire District No. 1

Planning & Zoning

Recreation Committee


VT Open Meeting Law

For more information about volunteer opportunities, please contact the Town Administrator at (802) 446-2872 or email

Click here for openings on commissions and boards.

*Committee/commission members are responsible for posting Agendas at the post offices.